The January Detox

Monday, 13 January 2014

January has to be the month I least enjoy, Christmas is over and all the excitement in the air has gone, the weather is gray and miserable and there is in general not much to do this month,  mostly down to the fact that my purse is empty and needs some time to get back to its normal state.
But one thing I do enjoy is getting my body back to its pre Christmas shape and getting the healthy eating habits started again. I love healthy eating, last year I really got the swing of it and was quite thorough with my diet, seeing some amazing benefits from it. But then came Christmas and it all went a bit pear shape!
I find it really hard to make good choices in the colder month, salads and fruits is just not something I fancy when the cold hits. Instead I want roasted dinners and heavy desserts!
But that's all over now and the best way to kick start a new healthy diet regime is a a good detox.

When I thing of detox I think of flushing out toxins in the body rather than loosing weight. Yes you can loose some weight while being on a good detox but its not the main reason you should do a detox.
Basically, detoxification means cleaning of the blood. This is done by removing impurities from the blood of the liver, where most toxins are filtered out. The body also eliminates toxins through the kidneys, intestines and even the skin. That is why you can have acne if your diet is not the best.
I am by no means perfect when it comes to having a totally clean lifestyle, there are moments when I have to have a burger or a whole packet of sweets but here are a few tips for what you could do to get your body clean again.

  1. Taking a supplement called Chlorella. Chlorella is an single-celled algae and its one of the most nutritionally dense foods to be found in nature containing key vitamins, minerals, anti oxidants, essential fatty acids and proteins. It is excellent for cleansing and detoxifying the body because of its ability to bind heavy metals such as lead, mercury and copper, pulling them from tissues and cells to the liver where they can be detoxed. If you like the sound of this make a goggle search and you will be amazed what else this supplement can do.
  2. Drink a lot of water, at least 1.5 l a day. I know everybody is always going on about drinking more water but it is essential for the body to flush out all the toxins otherwise all your hard work on eating healthy and looking after yourself is in vain. If you don't like the taste of plain water, teas are great for keeping thinks interesting. I like the brand Pukka, they do some great tasting organic teas that matches every mood. The one to go with my detox plan is the Pukka Detox Tea with organic aniseed, fennel and cardamon. Pure bliss!
  3. Lighten up the toxin load by eliminating alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, refined sugars and saturated fats, all of which act as toxins in the body and stop your healing process.
  4. Try and eat organic foods and stay away from processed foods. I know its hard to by organic but if you can do it for only one or two weeks while you are on the detox it will really benefit your body. But if you can't then at least stay away from any kind of processed foods, they really interfere with a good cleans.
  5. Other ways to try and get the toxins out of your body is having a hot shower or bath and sweating in a sauna or hot yoga. All of which make your pores and sweat glands open helping the body to detox. One more thing I like to do to help my acne is to have a mud mask. firstly I have a hot bath to open up all the pores and then apply a generous amount of mud or clay on my skin, my favourite mask to use is the Origins Clear Improvements Mask. It really helps and makes my skin look amazing afterwards. Even my husband likes this stuff!


  1. Love love love this post! I totally know what you mean about January... it's like a whole month of Mondays! LOL Do let us kno ho you get on. Just started following, you have a lovely blog" xx

    Fernanda @ Ferdie's Finds

    1. Thanks for following! You are right January does feel like a whole month of mondays, haha!!

  2. Interesting post!

  3. I love that Origins mask. It really clears the pores.


  4. oo!! Can't want to see your next posts!

  5. I never heard of Chlorella before, super interested! I've tried that detox tea before too, really like it (even though I hate licorice).

  6. These products sound really nice and interesting, worth trying out myself. :) We have tried one Pukka tea before and I love the taste, I hope this one is as nice.

    Thanks for the comment! Stop by anytime again x

    Indie by heart

  7. I adore the feeling of getting 'clean' inside and out, masks for me are the best way to really deep clean the skin, I love the Origins one!
    Cornelia - Ineffable Beauty

  8. I purchased that Pukka detox tea a few weeks ago and I was very impressed! Is it just me or does most Twinings teas just taste like water with a very weak hint of flavour to them? I like Pukka teas as they have a bit more depth to them and a bit more flavour. Makes a nice change to drinking plain water all the time! :)


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